Kangaroo Leather Bullwhips

Bullwhips Cover Page

Copy and paste version: desert.minx@mojaveoutliers.com

First, of course, the pricing chart and ordering instructions just to keep things easy to find. Note: if you would like spiral plaiting (16 plait or above) on your whip, talk to me first, but ordinarily add between $50 to $100 depending.

Bullwhips Pricing Chart
16 plait 20 plait 24 plait
6 feet $655 $745 $835
8 feet $755 $845 $935
10 feet $855 $945 $1035
12 feet $955 $1045 $1,135
Bullwhips w/Integrated Falls
16 plait 20 plait 24 plait
6 feet $665 $755 $845
8 feet $765 $855 $945
10 feet $865 $955 $1045
12 feet $965 $1055 $1,145

Once we have the details sorted out, I’ll give you a quote for how much your build will cost, but I won’t send you an invoice until I’m ready to start your build. I use PayPal for invoicing (no, you don’t need to have a PayPal account to use PayPal). If you want to make a purchase right now, then take a peek in the upper right side bar, where I have items that are ready to ship are featured, if any.

Above, of course, is a pricing chart for Bullwhips.  Length is for the whip itself, not counting the fall and cracker.  For instance, if you order an 8 foot whip, the finished whip will be longer than that once you add in the fall and cracker. Yes, I can build whips at lengths in between the ones listed in the chart above, just send me an email and I’ll give you a quote. Also, all my full size bullwhips are naturally weighted, but if you’d LIKE a shot load, I’m happy to do it for you, just let me know.

Bullwhips with integrated falls are measured including the fall, since the fall is built in. So for instance if you ordered an 8ft bullwhip with an integrated fall, then the length of the whip would actually BE 8ft, not counting the cracker. Technically this could also be considered a hybrid signal whip, but the tail assembly for full sized whips is longer than I build for the H sigs.

Are you looking for something a little smaller? I also make mini bullwhips! The page is right here!

12 ft 32/16 plait split spiral bullwhip JB

THIS is a 12 ft 32/16 plait split spiral bullwhip.

A 10ft 16 plait American bullwhip (shot loaded) in green and saddle tan kangaroo leather (shown with a pair of 3ft 12 plait BB mini snake whips).

A 10ft 16 plait American bullwhip (shot loaded) in green and saddle tan kangaroo leather (shown with a pair of 3ft 12 plait BB mini snake whips).

Closer up of the handle of the 10ft 16 plait American style bullwhip.

Closer up of the handle of the 10ft 16 plait American style bullwhip.

5ft 16 plait bullwhip Brandly Saddle Tan

A 5ft 16 plait bullwhip in brandy and saddle tan kangaroo leather. The pattern is single strand offset, with diamond plaiting on the handle so that a strand of brandy spirals around the handle.

Handle Detail

…detail of the handle on the 5ft 16 plait bullwhip in brandy and saddle tan….

Mojave Outliers Whipmakers 7ft 16 plait Bullwhip DC Red and Black kangaroo hide leather

7ft 16 plait bullwhip, 8″ handle, in black and red kangaroo leather. For larger whips like this, I find the poly cracker works very well.

Mojave Outliers Whipmakers 7ft 16 plait Bullwhip DC Red and Black Kangaroo leather hide handle detail

Detail of the handle of the 7ft black and red bullwhip above…nice guitar, eh? ;)

Bullwhip 8ft 24 plait black roan red

This one is an 8′ 24 plait bullwhip, with 4 plaited bellies!

Bullwhip 8ft 24 plait black roan red HD2

Detail of the handle of the black roan and red bullwhip

An 8ft 24 plait bullwhip in black and forest green kangaroo leather.  As you can see, the green leather darkens to all but black with leather conditioner, so it's hard to see the difference except in just the right light.

An 8ft 24 plait bullwhip in black and forest green kangaroo leather. As you can see, the green leather darkens to all but black with leather conditioner, so it’s hard to see the difference except in just the right light.

A close in shot of the bullwhip above.

A close in shot of the bullwhip above.

Detail of the handle of the 8ft bullwhip above.  This is 24 plait in black and forest green.

Detail of the handle of the 8ft bullwhip above. This is 24 plait in black and forest green.

Kangaroo Leather Target Hybrid Signal Whips

Hybrid Signal Whips Cover

Copy and paste version: desert.minx@mojaveoutliers.com

What is a hybrid signal whip? It is, simply put, a whip with the cracker attached directly to the thong as usual (no fall), but which has a rigid handle. Other names for this are “target hybrid” or “target signal,” because of course the rigid handle makes the whip a little easier to manage in terms of accuracy. All hybrid signal whips have a shot-loaded core standard. All my signal whips have my Dyneema tail assembly with a tiny plaited loop on the end which allows the cracker to be replaced without having to replait the tail of the whip, unless otherwise requested.

Handle length for the 3.5ft whips is 6″. You can choose the length of handle up to 8″ for 4ft and above. See the chart below for more details.

For spiral plaiting, talk to me FIRST, but figure on adding between $50 to $100 to the price of the whip.

Yes, I’m happy to do a whip in half foot increments (i.e., 3.5ft), just ask! I don’t normally build hybrid signal whips shorter than 3.5ft because there’s not enough room for the handle, it takes up too much of the thong. If you want a 3ft whip, just go ahead and get a regular signal whip.

Hybrid Signal Whips
16 plait 20 plait 24 plait
3.5 feet $400 $450 $500
4 feet $420 $470 $520
5 feet $440 $490 $540
A pair of 5ft 16 plait hybrid signal whips, and the handles are spiral plaited.

A pair of 5ft 16 plait hybrid signal whips, and the handles are spiral plaited.


This, actually, is a 7ft 16 plait hybrid signal whip, but at this length, it is the same as a bullwhip with an integrated fall.

This, actually, is a 7ft 16 plait hybrid signal whip, but at this length, it is the same as a bullwhip with an integrated fall. The photo is courtesy of my client.

Another pic of the pair of 7ft 16 plait H sigs, aka bullwhips with integrated falls.

Another pic of the pair of 7ft 16 plait H sigs, aka bullwhips with integrated falls. Again, photo courtesy of my client.

4ft 16 plait BW Hybrid Signal Whips Handle Detail Mojave Outliers

A pair of 4ft 16 plait hybrid signals in black and white…

Mojave Outliers Whipmakers 4ft 16 plait hyb sig b and w JH2

The second of the pair of 4ft 16 plait hybrid signals pictured above…

Purple Kangaroo Leather Hybrid Signal Whip

A lovely 4ft 16 plait hybrid signal whip in purple kangaroo leather, short herringbone on the handle…

Mojave Outliers 4ft Black Red Target Hybrid Signal 150

This is a 4 foot 16 plait hybrid signal whip done in red and black kangaroo hide with an alternating chevron pattern, shot loaded core, and replaceable cracker. The handle has a 6 inch steel core.

Mojave Outliers 4ft 12 plait Black Red Target Hybrid Signal Whip 150

This is a 4 foot, 12 plait Hybrid Target Signal whip in red and black kangaroo leather. Bird’s Eye plaiting on the handle and regular herringbone plait on the thong. The replaceable cracker in THIS rendition is red nylon.

4ft 16 plait W&B Hybrid Signal

Recently completed, this is a 4 ft, 16 plait hybrid target signal whip in whiskey and black kangaroo leather. The Bird’s eye pattern on the handle is modified to account for the extra strands, and is then stabilized with short herringbone at the heel. Nice, eh? This is also an example of a more rounded heel knot, per request by the client who ordered this whip.

JD Hybrid Target Signal Whip

THIS little beauty is a 24 strand spiral plait in brandy and whiskey kangaroo leather, at 4 ft long, with a 6″steel core handle.

Mojave Outliers Whipmakers 18 plait 4ft Hybrid Target Signal Whip

This one is a little unusual in that it is an 18 plait, rather than the more usual 16 or 24 plait. The plaiting method is spiral, with an accent on the thong. The whip is 4ft long with a 6″ steel core handle, thong is shot loaded.

4ft 24 plait Hybrid Signal DH 2

4ft 24 plait hybrid signal whip, spiral plaited in navy blue and natural kangaroo hide.

5ft 24 plait Black and Natural Hybrid Signal

This is a 5ft 24 plait hybrid signal aka “Frankenconda” (or “Frickenconda” as it sometimes was), weighing in at over a pound, with heel diameter of 25.97mm, which includes an extra plaited belly. Don’t drop it on your toe! Too, THIS one has a 15″ twisted Dyneema cracker on it. Yes, we QA’d the whip, and anyone who thinks signal whips are no good for cracking, come see me.

Mojave Outliers Whipmakers 5 ft 24 plait Navy Blue and Natural Hybrid Signal Whip DH

5ft 24 plait hybrid signal in alternating chevrons. Lookit how straight that plaiting is! LOOKIT!! lol!

Mojave Outliers Whipmakers 4 ft 16 plait Bruins Hybrid Signal Whip KM

4ft 16 plait hybrid signal whip a la the Boston Bruins!

Mojave Outliers Whipmakers 4ft 16 plait Bruins Hybrid Signal Whip heel detail KM

Detail of the heel knot of the Bruins whip…my client provided me with the pin

Kangaroo Leather Signal Whips

Signal Whips Cover

Copy and paste version: desert.minx@mojaveoutliers.com

First, of course, the pricing chart just to keep things easy to find. Details about signal whips follows. When you’re ready to order, simply send me an email at the above email address and we’ll get you sorted toot sweet. Please note that if you want spiral plaited design with a high plait count (i.e., more than 16 plait), then you might consider getting a hybrid signal whip, which has a rigid handle. If you look to the menu on the left, there’s a link to the hybrid signal whip page.

Signal Whips
16 plait 20 plait 24 plait
3 feet $390 Not Available Not Available
3.5 feet $400 $450 $490
4 feet $410 $460 $510
5 feet $430 $480 $530

Very good, and now for a few details!

What IS a signal whip? It’s a smaller whip, between 3 and 5 feet long with no fall—the cracker is attached directly to the body of the whip itself. Signal whips don’t have a handle, either—that is to say, the part where you hold it is not rigid, instead it is flexible (in contrast to a bullwhip, for instance, which has a stiff handle that doesn’t flex with the thong of the whip). I have two general build styles; the first has the handle area bound quite firmly, so that it flexes less relative to the rest of the thong–this helps with leverage. The second style is “supple to the heel” and involves a “hard bind” for the first two inches under the heel knot, while the rest of the thong is evenly supple. The two styles are distinctly different for throwing, but I like to be versatile! All signal whips have a shot loaded core. All my signal whips have my Dyneema tail assembly with a tiny plaited loop on the end which allows the cracker to be replaced without having to replait the tail of the whip, unless otherwise requested.

Please note that 3ft signal whips are only available in 12 or 16 plait. The reason for this is that a 3ft signal whip is of course quite short, so there isn’t enough room to drop strands from, say, 24 plait down to 8 plait without quite a bit of crowding. If you really want a high plait count, then I suggest you increase the length of your signal whip to at least 3.5ft to allow room for strand drops.

4ft 24 plait signal whip in black  with red and orange chevrons, Dyneema tail assembly.

4ft 24 plait signal whip in black with red and yellow chevrons, Dyneema tail assembly.

A pair of 4ft 20 plait Signal whips in all black kangaroo leather, with WHITE Dyneema tail assemblies, diamond plait on the handles.

A pair of 4ft 20 plait Signal whips in all black kangaroo leather, with WHITE Dyneema tail assemblies, diamond plait on the handles.

3.5ft 16 plait signal whip in whiskey kangaroo leather with black & blue chevrons, black Dyneema tail assembly

3.5ft 16 plait signal whip in whiskey kangaroo leather with black & blue chevrons, black Dyneema tail assembly

Mojave Outliers Whipmakers 4ft 16 plait signal whip spiral switched thong

A 4ft 16 plait signal whip in brandy and whiskey kangaroo leather, with modified bird’s eye spiral plaited into the handle area. An interesting bit about this whip is the thong, which has two strands switched to change it up a bit from the usual 1/4 seam regular herringbone.

3 half 24 plait Signal Whip

A 3.5ft, 24 plait signal whip, spiral plaited in black and purple kangaroo leather.

Mojave Outliers Whipmakers 3.5ft 16 plait signal whip roan black & natural kangaroo leather

Mojave Outliers Whipmakers 3ft 16 plait MSK red black white

5ft Rud Signal Whip

Mojave Outliers Whipmakers 4ft 16 plait Signal Whip Spiral SC

A 4ft, 16 strand spiral plaited signal whip in red and black kangaroo leather.

Mojave Outliers Whipmakers 4f 24 pl spiral Signal Whip TB handle detail

Handle detail of a 4ft 24 strand spiral plaited signal whip.

Caring for Your (New) Whip

It isn’t all that hard to cope with a kangaroo leather whip; most of it is pretty straight forward. I’ll just list a few tips and tricks here, and if you have questions, naturally send me an email and I’ll do my best for you.

First, when you get your new whip, you’ll notice that it’s rather stiff. This is normal, not to worry, as you use your whip it will “work in” as the term is called, becoming more supple over time. How long? Depends on the whip, of course, and how much you use it. But figure anywhere from a year to two years before a new whip finishes working in, bearing in mind that the whip will START working in the moment you start using it. What that means is the whip isn’t going to stay stiff clear up until exactly one year later and then suddenly BANG! it’s worked in–it will happen gradually over time, again depending on how much you use it.

Don’t force your new whip. Don’t crank down on the thong like the whip is Gumby, don’t tie it in a knot, don’t run over it with a truck, and especially don’t slather it with conditioner in the mistaken belief that this will soften the whip and speed the working in process. It won’t, it will just gum up your overlay and turn your whip into a vacuum cleaner, as it will now attract every spec of dirt for miles around. The ONLY thing that will work your whip in is to use it as you normally would. I’d say start out with the main focus on doing volleys–you can crack it now and again if you like, but don’t make that the main business until later when the whip has become more supple.

FYI: I pack all my whips with Obenauf’s Heavy Duty LP. If I’m not worried about darkening the leather, I’ll also use it on the overlay, or if I AM worried about darkening the leather, I’ll use Fiebing’s on the overlay. Your whip is greased and ready to go on arrival, and you should only need to apply a very light touch up coat of conditioner maybe 2 to 3 times a year, depending on your climate.

I also stuff all my falls with Obenauf’s, right up to the eyeballs, yet you should always condition your fall (if you have one) after each use. I use Obenauf’s especially for my falls because it’s designed to help leather that takes a lot of abuse, and if you want to try it, just Google it, it’s pretty easy to find.

(Click here if you’d like to try a 4 oz jar of Obenauf’s: Obenauf’s Heavy Duty LP 4 oz. Naturally you can buy a larger jar of it if you like, but 4 oz will last you a loooooooong time.)

I usually store my whips by either hanging them straight down from their wrist strap or hanger if it has one, or by laying the thong lengthwise across a series of hooks on the wall. I don’t usually store them coiled up if I can avoid it, especially if they’re new. Hangers or hooks, either will work just fine, that’s up to you.

If you have any questions, again, shoot me an email and I’ll try to answer for you.



How to Measure a Whip, Mojave Outliers Style

Naturally when ordering a whip, one of the first and most basic things you want to know is “how long is it?” There is some debate about how to measure the length of a whip, so what I’m going to do here is tell you how I do it here at Mojave Outliers, which method is generally the standard, except that I will clarify on one point, which is how to measure a signal whip that has a replaceable cracker vs a signal whip that has a braided in cracker–but I get ahead of myself. See below:

Bullwhips and snake whips, both of which have falls, are measured from the butt of the heel knot to the tail of the thong, not including the fall and cracker. So, the TOTAL length of an 8ft bullwhip with a 30″ fall and 10″ cracker would be 11ft 6″ long.

Stock whips and cow whips actually have TWO measurements, one is the handle, and the other is the thong. So to get the total length of, for example, a 4ft stock whip you need to measure the thong, and then add the length of the handle, PLUS the length of the fall and cracker. I.e., a 4ft stock whip with a 20″ handle and a 24″ fall with 8″ cracker would, in total, be 8′ 4″ long, if my math is correct.

A signal whip with a braided in cracker is measured from the butt of the heel knot all the way to the end of the cracker. So, a 4ft signal whip with braided in cracker would be 4 feet long INCLUDING the cracker. (Usually the only time I do braided in crackers is if I’m repairing a whip made by someone else.)

A signal whip (or hybrid signal whip) with a replaceable cracker is measured from the heel knot to the end of the thong, NOT including the cracker. So, for example, a 4ft signal whip with a replaceable 8″ cracker would be in total 4 feet 8 inches long.

And there you have it in a nutshell. If you have any questions this didn’t answer, naturally send me an email and we’ll get you sorted out.



Adam Winrich Video

Check this out! Adam Winrich was kind enough to make a short video of himself as he throws one of my whips! In this case he’s throwing a 3 foot, 16 plait black kangaroo leather snake whip. Not bad for a “little black whip,” eh?!! Woot!

Testimonials (and more pics!)

And here we have the odd glowing remark sent my way, in the captions of each of the photos where applicable! In addition, this page is under construction, to explain why there’re only a few pics so far–I have to go hunt down what folks have said! So stayed tuned…

Mojave Outliers Whipmakers Chocolate Deerskin Flogger

An 8″ flogger done in dark whiskey kangaroo hide on the handle (12 plait bird’s eye), with a double helping of buttery soft deerskin falls. Total length is about 27.5″.

Of course here we have an exception to the testimonial in the caption, but this one was too long to fit as a caption.

“Just last week, a friend of mine received a gorgeous, custom-made, deerskin flogger handcrafted by you. We both appreciated your gifted artistry immediately upon first inspection. As I am usually on the receiving end of the dance, the sensorial aspect of a whip or flogger is what affects me the most. Honestly, the quality and uniqueness of your work has surpassed all floggers I’ve encountered thus far: the tingling feel of the buttery-soft falls against my skin; the sweet smell of the deerskin leather across my face; the hypnotic sound of the handle’s rattle; the image of the “fan of fingering falls” across my body… Sublime, all of it.

Second, I want to add a comment directed at others like me, those people who aren’t familiar with all the technical aspects, people with little experience handling floggers. I had the opportunity to share the experience with my friend. I’ve shied away from holding floggers in the past; usually they’re too heavy, awkward, and simply unmanageable for me as a novice. Within minutes of holding your deerskin flogger, it felt like it was a natural extension of my body. The balance of weight, the girth and kangaroo leather plait of the handle, the natural pattern of the falls, overall comfort – each of these elements helped my confidence and creativity soar. In my personal experience, this flogger could be as soft as a breeze or used in way where I can feel a greater impact. My friend (and it practically being my first time leading the dance) said it felt like the greatest massage ever. I believe he started flying after just a few minutes, but I am certain he started to moan with pleasure immediately! And an hour later, I still had the strength and focus to hold the space inspired by the flogger.

Finally, although the flogger connected my friend and I, the energy between us was as intimate as if we were simply touching, skin against skin: the flogger became the perfect conduit as it slowly blended into the background – this “blur” being a desired and predictable result when the highest quality of materials is married to undeniable talent. If you like to support small, independent craftspeople, Mojave Outliers is a perfect choice. You can feel the love infused in this flogger. Its energy is intoxicating. Its quality is off the charts.

Pros: Amazingly supple falls; range from a literal breeze to greater impact; well-balanced; ease of handle maneuvering; weight; high quality materials; sensuous design; top-shelf craftsmanship; excellent piece for both beginners and flogger aficionados, outstanding value.

Cons: None. (Well, maybe it would be nice if it came in pairs!)”

3ft 16 plait Mini Bull

Email sent from client: “Just wanted to let you know that I killed a fuckin annoying buzzing mosquito with my mini bull!
Talk about a precision instrument! :)
You’re the best!”

Mojave Outliers Whipmakers Kahlua Sunset Budget Boudoir mini pocket snake whip

Client testimonial: “All I can say it oh my goodness! This is one of the most beautiful things I have ever had the pleasure of seeing. Much less owning. The craftmanship is out of this world. Thank you so very much for your efforts you are truly an artist. And I am sure I will be making another purchase ASAP…or geting on the the waiting list. Your the greatest!!” Presenting the Kahlua Sunset whip! This is a Budget Boudoir mini pocket snake whip, plaited in dark brown as the base color with red & roan half chevrons. Specs: 3 ft, 12 plait, shot loaded thong, with a 24″ latigo fall and flame colored red & orange nylon cracker.

Mojave Outliers Whipmakers 5ft 24 plait Mountain Sierra King snake whip

Testimonials from client(s): “Just got her Minx!! The weight is perfect!!! Just like throwing a dart!!” 5ft 24 plait “Mountain Sierra King” snake whip, 30″ tapered latigo fall, black red and white nylon cracker, plaited in red black and white kangaroo leather.

Mojave Outliers Whipmakers Budget Boudoir Mini Pocket Snake Whip Licorice Whip May 2015

Testimonials from client(s): “Andddddd… She has arrived! Even prettier in person. Oh and so sweet and so much fun! Easy on my arthritic hands, nice little crack… :-D” 3ft 12 plait Budget Boudoir mini pocket snake whip in black, red and purple kangaroo hide, shot loaded, 24″ tapered latigo fall, nylon cracker.

Mojave Outliers Whip Makers 5ft 24 plait Navy & Natural Kangaroo Leather Snake Whip

Testimonial from client(s): “…my amazing whip just arrived. While I consider myself pretty good at having a mental picture that resembles an actual item…. I was waaaay off the mark. Honestly, this amazing whip is far superior to anything I have ever seen or held. Just could not be more pleased.” “Damn but you do some beautiful work!” “You legend. This is f***ing gorgeous.” A 5ft 24 plait navy & natural kangaroo leather snake whip in alternating chevrons, shot loaded, 30″ tapered latigo fall and nylon cracker.

How to Order Something From Mojave Outliers Whipmakers

Yes, I am now accepting custom orders again, yay! However, I’ve made changes from how I was doing it before, so read carefully.

I’ve invented what I call my “Interested Parties” list. On this list I take down your contact information and a description of the whip you’d like me to build for you. Then, when I’m ready to start your build, I contact you to find out if you’re still interested. No money changes hands, and in the meantime, you’re free to shop with other whip makers if you like. Once I’ve completed your build, THEN I will send you a PayPal invoice.

My queue is longish, varying between 8 months to a year (and sometimes longer, especially during the holiday season for instance), which is actually pretty normal for whip makers. Part of the time I spend in my shop I build smaller spec items, because this helps me even out the cash flow in between custom orders. The idea behind the “Interested Parties” list is to keep us both flexible. I need to be able to control my work flow, and naturally you need to control your cash flow, so not having a debt between us until I’m ready to ship seems to me the best way to go. What this translates to is that if you’re on my “Interested Parties” list, that doesn’t mean there’s a contract between us such that I’m going to build your whip by a specific date, it just means that I’ll check that list FIRST before I do my next build. The advantage to you is that you’re not out a bunch of cash at the outset (some folks use the wait time to save up for their whip, which I think is quite clever), and you’re not “locked in” to your purchase with me–you can shop if you like, as I said above.

Naturally if you have questions about this, send me an email at desert.minx@mojaveoutliers.com. And if you’d like to place a custom order, why, then send me an email at desert.minx@mojaveoutliers.com, and we’ll get your details sorted!

Copy and paste version: desert.minx@mojaveoutliers.com

Payments and Shipping

Payment is via PayPal, so don’t worry about sending a payment until after you and I have talked and sorted out all the details. I can give you a quote for your build, of course, but typically I don’t send an invoice until I’m ready to start your build. I can also give you an idea of what the shipping will be, but since the post office tends to raise its rates pretty much by surprise, then when I actually send you the invoice, I will re-calculate the shipping at that time. If there is a change in shipping costs, I’ll make sure you’re aware of it. Naturally, the invoice needs to be paid in full before I ship your whip to you.

As for shipping, domestically so far I use the United States Postal Service (USPS) exclusively. For tiny items (like the Baby Basilisk) I can ship First Class, but for most everything else I use Priority Mail, which includes tracking and tends to be a lot faster.

For international shipping, I use USPS Priority Mail International, which takes about 6 to 10 days to deliver. While the package is traveling in the US, you can track it using the USPS postal tracking site. Once it crosses the border, then in MOST cases you can simply use that country’s postal service to track the package using the same tracking number (which also happens to be the customs form number). I do NOT use First Class for international shipping, because they HAVE lost packages when I’ve done so.

International shipping also entails customs and other taxes for you, the receiver, based on the declared value of the item you’re receiving, payment of which is between you and your customs officials. Please do not ask me to risk my livelihood by fudging the numbers on the customs form for your order.

As always, if you have questions, please don’t hesitate to ask!

Kangaroo Leather Baby Basilisk Mini Dragon’s Tongue

Baby Basilisk mini Dragon's Tongue

And here we have a spot for weird funky stuff that (so far) doesn’t fit anywhere else.

Presenting the Baby Basilisk! A dainty morsel that packs a serious sting, and leaves welts effortlessly.

I found this out by accident when my partner snapped me on the arm with a piece of scrap motorcycle leather. We could still see the mark two days later (and yeah, you should see the other guy). Of course I jumped into the Walter Mitty R&D Lab immediately, and came up with this.

Mojave Outliers Whipmakers Baby Basilisk dragon's tongue long 150

A teeny tiny dragon’s tongue! It’s modeled after my flogger handles (please note that I recently stopped offering floggers in favor of focusing on making whips), but in miniature: the handle is 5 inches long, shot-loaded, 12 plaited in kangaroo hide, with red heel and tail knots and a short flat braid hanger. The tail itself, about 11 inches long, is “motorcycle garment” cowhide–very soft and supple. But when cut in the classic elongated Queen of Spades shape, and snapped perkily, there is NOTHING soft about it! Hence the Basilisk soubriquet.

Mojave Outliers Whipmakers Baby Basilisk dragon's tongue long 150

Available now, a Baby Basilisk. The handle is a scaled down version of my flogger handles, 5 inches long, shot loaded, 12 plaited in black and red kangaroo hide. The tongue is about 11 inches long, cut from “motorcycle garment” cowhide, $75.00.

Make sure you have a bag of frozen peas handy.

In any case, this is a very nice, close quarters, tender parts instrument for $75.00.

Mojave Outliers Whipmakers Baby Basilisk Bon Bons

Naturally, you can have one custom-made, just bear in mind that I only do Baby Basilisks on spec. Just send me an email, and I’ll note down your interest–then when I’m ready to make another batch, I’ll contact you to make sure you’re still interested.

Copy and paste version: desert.minx@mojaveoutliers.com

Also, bling happens! For an extra $5 bucks, you can add up to three synthesized crystal rhinestones to your Basilisk, like this:

Mojave Outliers Whipmakers Baby Basilisk Purple with Bling

Mojave Outliers Whipmakers Baby Basilisk Black with Purple Knots Bling