Kangaroo Leather Bullwhips

Bullwhips Cover Page

Copy and paste version: desert.minx@mojaveoutliers.com

First, of course, the pricing chart and ordering instructions just to keep things easy to find. Note: if you would like spiral plaiting (16 plait or above) on your whip, talk to me first, but ordinarily add between $50 to $100 depending.

Bullwhips Pricing Chart
16 plait 20 plait 24 plait
6 feet $655 $745 $835
8 feet $755 $845 $935
10 feet $855 $945 $1035
12 feet $955 $1045 $1,135
Bullwhips w/Integrated Falls
16 plait 20 plait 24 plait
6 feet $665 $755 $845
8 feet $765 $855 $945
10 feet $865 $955 $1045
12 feet $965 $1055 $1,145

Once we have the details sorted out, I’ll give you a quote for how much your build will cost, but I won’t send you an invoice until I’m ready to start your build. I use PayPal for invoicing (no, you don’t need to have a PayPal account to use PayPal). If you want to make a purchase right now, then take a peek in the upper right side bar, where I have items that are ready to ship are featured, if any.

Above, of course, is a pricing chart for Bullwhips.  Length is for the whip itself, not counting the fall and cracker.  For instance, if you order an 8 foot whip, the finished whip will be longer than that once you add in the fall and cracker. Yes, I can build whips at lengths in between the ones listed in the chart above, just send me an email and I’ll give you a quote. Also, all my full size bullwhips are naturally weighted, but if you’d LIKE a shot load, I’m happy to do it for you, just let me know.

Bullwhips with integrated falls are measured including the fall, since the fall is built in. So for instance if you ordered an 8ft bullwhip with an integrated fall, then the length of the whip would actually BE 8ft, not counting the cracker. Technically this could also be considered a hybrid signal whip, but the tail assembly for full sized whips is longer than I build for the H sigs.

Are you looking for something a little smaller? I also make mini bullwhips! The page is right here!

12 ft 32/16 plait split spiral bullwhip JB

THIS is a 12 ft 32/16 plait split spiral bullwhip.

A 10ft 16 plait American bullwhip (shot loaded) in green and saddle tan kangaroo leather (shown with a pair of 3ft 12 plait BB mini snake whips).

A 10ft 16 plait American bullwhip (shot loaded) in green and saddle tan kangaroo leather (shown with a pair of 3ft 12 plait BB mini snake whips).

Closer up of the handle of the 10ft 16 plait American style bullwhip.

Closer up of the handle of the 10ft 16 plait American style bullwhip.

5ft 16 plait bullwhip Brandly Saddle Tan

A 5ft 16 plait bullwhip in brandy and saddle tan kangaroo leather. The pattern is single strand offset, with diamond plaiting on the handle so that a strand of brandy spirals around the handle.

Handle Detail

…detail of the handle on the 5ft 16 plait bullwhip in brandy and saddle tan….

Mojave Outliers Whipmakers 7ft 16 plait Bullwhip DC Red and Black kangaroo hide leather

7ft 16 plait bullwhip, 8″ handle, in black and red kangaroo leather. For larger whips like this, I find the poly cracker works very well.

Mojave Outliers Whipmakers 7ft 16 plait Bullwhip DC Red and Black Kangaroo leather hide handle detail

Detail of the handle of the 7ft black and red bullwhip above…nice guitar, eh? ;)

Bullwhip 8ft 24 plait black roan red

This one is an 8′ 24 plait bullwhip, with 4 plaited bellies!

Bullwhip 8ft 24 plait black roan red HD2

Detail of the handle of the black roan and red bullwhip

An 8ft 24 plait bullwhip in black and forest green kangaroo leather.  As you can see, the green leather darkens to all but black with leather conditioner, so it's hard to see the difference except in just the right light.

An 8ft 24 plait bullwhip in black and forest green kangaroo leather. As you can see, the green leather darkens to all but black with leather conditioner, so it’s hard to see the difference except in just the right light.

A close in shot of the bullwhip above.

A close in shot of the bullwhip above.

Detail of the handle of the 8ft bullwhip above.  This is 24 plait in black and forest green.

Detail of the handle of the 8ft bullwhip above. This is 24 plait in black and forest green.

Cat o’nine tails–Birth of a Felinus Feline

         So, I am in the process of making a bespoke cat o’nine tails, and I thought I’d share what I’m doing, since I’m doing a few things differently than I have in the past, and too, I’m using this build to do a little practice on a more involved bit of spiral plaiting than I’ve done to date. Two people I need to mention and must humbly thank right off the bat are my friend and colleague zjuuleke over in the Netherlands, for her stellar talent and endless kindness in sharing her knowledge and support, and too, Peter Thorndike, for being willing to allow me to “borrow” bits of some of his designs that I thought I might incorporate with some of my own ideas.

         In the past, I’ve made the tails separately from the handle of a cat, and attached them inside the core of the handle. That works, but it’s really super hard to get the tail end of your handle smoooooth, and I’m a stickler for such things. So, with this cat, I decided to take a stab at plaiting the tails continuous with the lace used to plait the handle. THAT meant I needed to redesign how I built the core, first of all.

         This is the prototype I came up with.

Mojave Outliers Whip Makers Kangaroo Leather Cat o'nine tails 01

         Since I decided I needed at least one plaited belly, that meant I needed to create room for it, so, I built a shot bag and bolster as if I was going to build an (American) style whip, and then bound that end to end to help stiffen it. zjuuleke’s advice after I did that was to go ahead and make strands that come off the bolster, so you can use that for a center tail–I’ll try that next time! In the meantime, after I created the core, I created strands that at one end were tapered to precisely fit the handle (and this is at 12 plait with no drops), and at the other, were cut, sized and beveled for plaiting the tails. Then I plaited it out, using this belly to practice for the oncoming overlay. And what I mean by “practice” is when you’re going to spiral plait something, you need to plan for a little extra lace so that you have enough length to finish the plaiting, as you’re using Perma Lok needles. Hence the extra lace at the heel end of the handle. Worked beautifully, as you can see: seams straight, the lace fits neatly the entire length of the handle, including at the narrow end where it is common to find bunching because the strands are too wide for the diameter at the tail, and the profile is very smooth. I hated to cover it up!

         But I did. I bound the handle again from end to end, to stiffen it still more. Alas, I don’t have a pic of that part, I was busy and I forgot!

         Then, the overlay lace. It’s a LOT OF LEATHER! This will be 24 plait.

Mojave Outliers Whipmakers Kangaroo Leather Cat o'nine tails Overlay Lace 02

         Which is part of the reason Cats can be so expensive. Anyway, I cut enough lace for both the handle and the rest of the tails, at about 1 mm wider than I needed. Then I tapered the handle ends to fit the handle, based on what I’d learned by doing the belly. Since it IS 24 plait, the tapering was very slight, but since I’m doing a 20″ spiral plait from end to end, again, I needed a precise fit, because otherwise the spiral pattern will be messy (it might be messy anyway, but we’ll see). Then I trimmed and beveled the tail ends to match the belly lace.

         Now, I realize not everyone does this, but I find it works very well for spiral plaiting, which is that I go ahead and plait out the piece using regular herringbone, making sure I get it as tight and straight as I possibly can. Here’s the result:

Mojave Outliers Whipmakers Kangaroo Leather Cat o'nine tails Pre Spiral 03

         That is some tediously exacting work, each strand placed carefully and then checked one by one to make sure they’re positioned properly, with as little variation as possible. Even so, this is a lot more precise than wrapping half the strands around the handle and then interweaving the other half, especially on a tapered handle with tapered strands–takes out most of the guess work that wrapping entails, and any stretch left in the lace is dealt with BEFORE any spiral plaiting is done.

         It matters exceedingly how you make the lace to start with, but I’m not going to get into that here.

         Next, starting the spiral plait:

Mojave Outliers Whipmakers Kangaroo Leather Cat o'nine tails Spiral Start 04

         As you can see, I’ve pulled all the black strands out, and restarted them using the spiral method with Perma Lok needles. Looks like a scary mess, eh? Well, it IS!! lol! But that’s mainly because since I’m plaiting the handle backwards from the tail to the heel, you can see all the so far not plaited lace that will eventually become the tails. So it kinda looks worse than it is. In any case, I like to start spirals with diamond plait, because that helps securely set the strands, and you can get an idea of the right angle of lace. I also decided to go ahead and secure the base strands so they don’t move around as much as I’m spiraling, even though they’re in position to start with. That’s what those bands of waxed nylon are for.

         This is another pic of the start, after I’ve plaited a little more of the pattern. There really isn’t a trick to doing this. Instead, you just have to commit to being patient, and to being as perfectionist as you can stand without beheading your entire family and burning down the town in a maelstrom of frustration and hatred of physics.

Mojave Outliers Whipmakers Kangaroo Leather Cat o'nine tails Spiral 1 043

         You’ll note that I secured the top end of the plaiting over the diamond spiral I just did, to keep the strands tight from that end.

         This is a little further down, past the first binding at the start of the box weave.

Mojave Outliers Whipmakers Kangaroo Leather Cat o'nine tails Start of Box Weave

         The idea is to do short sections at a time, and then “true” the strands with the plaiting above it, granted you kinda START by truing it. What I often do is take the 3 or 4 strands ahead of the one I’m going to work and lay them out against the thong and hold them in place, and then use them as a guide as I work the first strand of the next section of pattern. Then I use that strand to guide the next, etc., always being careful not to plait too far down the thong at any one time. Then when I get all 12 strands plaited, I go back and adjust as needed.

         Here’s another view, about 1/4 turn to the left.

Mojave Outliers Whipmakers Kangaroo Leather Cat o'nine tails Box Weave Quarter Turn

         Again, I’ll roll this good and proper once I’ve finished the plaiting, so a lot of the differences in strand height will be blended down. …hopefully…lol!

         Okay, below is the completed spiral plait on the handle, including having rolled it. This is the outdoor shot:

Mojave Outliers Whipmakers Kangaroo Leather Cat o'nine tails Finished Spiral Outside

         There are a few things I might do differently next time, like maybe doing a bit wider bevel on the strands so they lie (even) flatter, but I think I did pretty well even so, especially considering I was plaiting directly on top of the final binding.

         Here’s an indoor shot:


         Not quite one of my haunting pics, but I can see I’ll be able to do it later once I’ve completed the tails and knots. Again, I suck at taking photos of long skinny things. Anyway, at the moment my brain is yelling “Yer not the boss of me!” so if you have questions, feel free to ask, rather than me trying to anticipate…and Ima eat some pizza and maybe take a short nap! lol!

         Okay, coming down the home stretch:

Mojave Outliers Whipmakers Kangaroo Leather Cat o'nine tails Tail Knot

         The tail knot, which is a nice clean black pineapple knot, gathering the nine 4 plait round braids of the tails neatly. And, a little something extra on the tails themselves…

Mojave Outliers Whipmakers Kangaroo Leather Cat o'nine tails Sinnet Crowns

         I decided to play a little, and also experiment. Remember that kinda boxy knot you’ve seen on the Zenith whips? These are the same thing, and after much research and having the dumb blind luck to happen upon a copy of The Ashley Book of Knots for a pittance at $25 smackers at the local second hand book store, I can finally offer the ACTUAL NAME OF THE KNOT! These are called Sinnet Knots of 4 Strands with Alternating Left and Right Crowns. You got that? Think you can find it in Bruce Grant’s Monster Book of Monsters? You might shorten it to 4 strand sinnet crown knot. BUT! The left and right bit matter, because that’s how you get the boxy look. Anyway, I BY GOD TRACKED THAT BUGGER DOWN!!

         These are of course very tiny, but I like how they worked out, so I did them all like that.

         AND DONE! Below is the completed Cat.

Mojave Outliers Whipmakers Kangaroo Leather Cat o'nine Tails Done!

         Worked out pretty well, if I say so myself! Which I just did… 😉

         Here’s a detail of the heel knot, and I’m proud of myself for sticking with my original plan to do a box knot instead of caving and going with a regular pineapple. The cool thing about this is it ties in with the box weave pattern on the handle (see photo above this one).

Mojave Outliers Whipmakers Kangaroo Leather Cat o'nine Tails Heel Knot

         And a bonus shot, this is a detail of the box weave section of the plaiting on the handle.

Mojave Outliers Whipmakers Kangaroo Leather Cat o'nine Tails Box Weave

         Fabulous. Now on to the next miracle!



(SOLD!) 4ft 12 Plait “Mojave Lite” Mini Bullwhip!

4ft 12 plait Mojave Lite Mini Bullwhip

Introducing the “Mojave Lite” range of whips! Much like the Budget mini pocket snake whips (which are 3ft long), this is a scaled down version of my regular build, geared toward giving people’s pocket books a break, only in this case in a 4ft mini bullwhip! In this specific case, this is a 4ft 12 plait mini bullwhip in all black kangaroo leather, 8″ steel core handle, shot loaded core, 24″ tapered latigo fall, and nylon cracker. Handle diameter at the heel is right around 20-21 mm, so it’s comparable to the Budget snakes in that regard, but, obviously, with a beefed up thong to account for the longer length of the whip. Roll out is smooth, with a lovely crack! This can be yours now for $265 plus shipping! Just send me an email at the email address above!

Naturally if you have questions, feel free to ask!



Kangaroo Leather Mini Bullwhips

Mini bullwhips black and red pair

Copy and paste version: desert.minx@mojaveoutliers.com

First, of course, the pricing chart and ordering instructions just to keep things easy to find. Details about mini bullwhips follows. Note: if you would like spiral plaiting (16 plait or above) on your whip, talk to me first, but ordinarily add between $50 to $100.

3ft whips are ONLY available in 12 and 16 plait. If you would like spiral plaiting, bump it up to a 3.5ft whip–that gives me enough room for all those strand drops. :)

Mini Bullwhips – Shot Loaded Core
12 plait 16 plait 20 plait 24 plait
3 feet $345 $370 Not Available Not Available
3.5 feet Not Available $380 $410 $440
4 feet NA $390 $430 $480
5 feet NA $410 $450 $510
5 feet w/extra plaited belly NA $595 $615 $635
Mini Bullwhips Naturally Weighted
16 plait 18 plait 20 plait 24 plait
5 feet $485 $535 $585 $635
5.5 feet $510 $560 $610 $660

What is a mini-bullwhip? Not a big mystery: a mini bullwhip is simply a scaled down version of a full sized bullwhip, shorter and narrower. I do two different general types of builds: shot loaded, and naturally weighted (if you look above, the first chart is for shot, and the second is for naturally weighted).

The shot loaded whips are a little heavier or “beefier” if you will, with a finished diameter at the heel in the 22-25 mm range, shorter handles, and a bit more heft in the hand. Too, I’ll build them as short as 3ft long if you like, because we can account for the short length with the shot bag, right? Right!

The naturally weighted whips do NOT have a shot bag–they depend for their balance on the natural weight of the leather. Instead, I build them with 2 bolsters and 2 plaited bellies (and a number of layers of binding with flat sinew).

Naturally weighted whips have a more slender profile, with a lighter heft in the hand, and generally the finished diameter at the heel is in the 19-21 mm range, with longer handles. These I don’t recommend building at less than 5ft, because they’re just too light to go that short without a shot bag, okay? These whips are splendid if you like doing fast volleys, and they slick out on a throw like they can read your mind, and will reward you on demand with a crisp, loud crack.

5ft 16 plait NW Black Bullwhip

THIS is a naturally weighted bullwhip, 5ft long at 16 plait, with a 30″ tapered latigo fall. The handle is plaited in short herringbone, with a section of solid bands interrupted by a single row of double diamonds (tribute to Mike Murphy), more short herringbone, and then I transition to regular herringbone for the thong.

I have photos of BOTH types of builds below, and I’ve written in the captions to the photos which ones are which, so take a peek!

This is a 5ft 16 plait bullwhip with an extra plaited belly, in brandy & saddle tan kangaroo leather, with modified birds eye on the 12" steel core handle. This also has a shot load, so the build has some nice heft in the hand.

This is a 5ft 16 plait bullwhip with an extra plaited belly, in brandy & saddle tan kangaroo leather, with modified birds eye on the 12″ steel core handle. This also has a shot load, so the build has some nice heft in the hand.

2x Red and Black Kangaroo Leather Mini Bullwhips

A matched pair of 4ft 16 plait mini bullwhips in black and red kangaroo leather, diamond plaiting on the handles (8″ long), alternating chevrons on the thongs, tapered latigo falls, and nylon crackers. These two whips were built to travel a bit more lightly than usual, with a hint of Mike Murphy in the mix, granted both of these DO have shot bags, just a bit narrower than I normally build.

Mojave Outliers Whipmakers 4 ft 24 plait mini bullwhip in coral snake pattern

This is a 4 foot, 24 plait shot loaded mini bullwhip done in a coral snake pattern, with red, black and yellow kangaroo hide in alternating chevrons. In this case, the heel knot is rounded per the client’s request.

Generally speaking, mini bullwhips are great for learning to throw: the weight of the fall slows the whip down a little bit, so that once you’ve thrown the whip you have a bit more time to get out of the way if/as it comes flying back! 😉 Too, the rigid handle gives a bit of extra control compared to a snake or signal whip, so that also helps if you’re just learning to throw.

4ft 16 plait black mini bullwhip

This is a 4 ft 24 plait mini bullwhip in black kangaroo leather–what I’ve termed the “slim line” model, as it starts out with a more slender shot loaded core, resulting in a more slender, lighter whip. Please mention it if you’d like this kind of build.

Mojave Outliers Whipmakers 4ft 16 plait mini bullwhip in black with red knots

…and a 4ft 16 plait shot loaded mini bullwhip in black with red heel and transition knots…

4ft 12 plait NW forest green and natural

This is a 4ft 12 plait naturally weighted bullwhip, with a 30″ tapered latigo fall, the overlay plaited in forest green and natural using the single strand offset pattern.

5ft 16 plait NW JW

…another 5ft 16 plait naturally weighted bullwhip in all black kangaroo leather, with a 30″ tapered latigo fall

5ft 16 plait NW Handle and Fall Bullwhip

And I just like this pic. It’s a detail shot showing the handle and fall knots of the previous 5ft 16 plait naturally weighted bullwhip…

Royal Blue SS Bullwhips

These are a pair of 4.5ft 16 plait naturally weighted bullwhips in royal blue and black kangaroo leather. Steel core handles in this case are 10″ long, and I did both transition knots as pineapple knots (see detail shot below) rather than the more usual 4 bite 2 pass turk’s head because I felt it would look nice with the diamond plaiting on the handles. The whip is finished with 30″ tapered latigo falls.

Royal blue bullwhips transistion knots detail

Detail shot of the naturally weighed bullwhips, with the transition knots in place…

If you have questions or an interest in a mini bullwhip, of course drop me an email and I’ll get back to you toot sweet!

Copy and paste version: desertminx@mojaveoutliers.com

3ft 16 plait Mini Bull

Customer’s remarks on this 3ft mini bullwhip: “Arrived today! Beautiful work! :) We’re both a bit “stiffie” at the moment but I’m sure at least one of us will slacken a bit over time 😉 Love the weight, it feels just perfect. And the end knot adds another dimension to this wonderful instrument…*evil grin*
Couldn’t be happier!”