Target Performance Hybrid Whips!


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What is a Target Performance Hybrid whip? It’s a paracord whip that is kind of a cross between a bullwhip and a stock whip, built with a cPVC handle, with the thong tied into the handle, rather than attached with a keeper. I believe the original design is by Lauren Wickline (The Whip Chick), and a fine build it is! In my case, my PH whips have an 18″ cPVC handle with a 5ft thong, separate paracord fall & cracker, and I finish the whips with a kangaroo leather pineapple heel and transition knots, just for fun! The handle is half plaited at 16 plait, and the thong is plaited at 12 plait. The build details are firm, but you can pick the colors! Just send me an email at and we’ll figure out what we can do for you.

These whips are $225 plus shipping.

This design is outstanding for throwing rapid volleys and targeting. It’s also a really good deal if you’re just learning to throw but you don’t want to have a big initial investment.

Here’s some pics, to give you an idea!







Again, just send me an email at if you’d like me to build you one of these babies!

More pics!




Ready Now Stuff!

On this page I list things that are already finished and ready to ship. Make sure you scroll down the page, because often I have more than one item on it. Yes, I plan to get some kind of eCommerce software going, but first I have to become an IT Guy! I’m working on it! :) In the meantime, here’s my email:

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Okay, here we go!


Just about all of the whips I build are custom orders, but I do occasionally find that I have a whip available for instant purchase, and when I do, I’ll post them here in this spot. If you don’t see one, then consider ordering one–that way you get exactly what you want, and these days my queue is actually pretty good, so your wait isn’t going to be outrageous. You can find details on that on my “Interested Parties” page (on the right at the top). Just hit me up, doesn’t cost anything!

(SOLD!) 3ft 12 plait Budget Boudoir Mini Signal Whip, Navy Blue & Whiskey!



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(SOLD!) A 3ft 12 plait Budget Boudoir mini signal whip in navy blue & whiskey kangaroo leather! 5.25″ steel core handle, shot loaded core, 24″ tapered black latigo fall, and THIS one has the coveted B50 Dacron bowstring for the cracker (as you may or may not know, you can’t GET B50 Dacron bowstring anymore, as the company that made it went out of business). Topped with a whiskey kangaroo leather pineapple heel knot & matching bolster. $220 smackers plus shipping! Simply send me an email if you’re interested, or have questions or comments!

More pics!







Desert Minx Wish List and Sources for Stuffs

Sourcing leather working tools and materials is always a challenge. Below is a list, in no particular order, of stuff I want to get my hot little hands on, that I’ve researched a little to winnow out the must-haves from the knock-offs. I thought I’d post it here in case other folks are ALSO looking for tools and materials and would like to know where to find them.

Barge All Purpose Thinner, click here.; Barry King Push Beveler, click here.

(SOLD!) 3ft 12 plait Budget Boudoir mini Bullwhips!


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(SOLD!) Not one, not two, but THREE Budget Boudoir mini bullwhips! The first is the Rudolf whip, characterized by a lovely bright red heel knot–perfect for the season!–with an all black thong.


This is 3ft 12 plait, all kangaroo leather, with a shot loaded core, 22″ tapered black latigo fall and red B55 poly bowstring 8″x2″ cracker!


With a lovely proportioned taper and fine plaiting, she slides out willingly with a nice crisp crack.


Next is a 3ft 12 plait Budget Boudoir mini bullwhip in pink and black kangaroo leather! Classic style with a little pizzazz!


A heel knot in solid pink this time, diamond plaiting on the handle, and single strand offset on the thong. Shot loaded core, 24″ tapered black latigo fall, and this time a pink B50 Dacron bowstring 8″x2″ cracker!


…smoooooth plaiting all the way, which is how we like it!

(This Whip has SOLD!) And finally, The Candy Cane Whip!


A more vintage Christmas look, peppermint Candy Cane whip in green kangaroo leather with red & white. This is an ORIGINAL, too, since I actually ended up spiral plaiting the handle, because that was the best way to get that lovely swirl just right. No extra charge, though, since it’s R&D and I can use this on other builds, too, now that I know how to do it.


A detail of that classic barber pole look! Do not lick! I mean, you can…but prolly you won’t taste any peppermint, at least not at first…lol!


Detail of the plaiting out on the thong. The usual clean tapering of the thong & strands!



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24/16 Split Spiral Kangaroo Leather Bullwhip

4.5ft 24/16 plait Split Spiral Mini Bullwhip

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This is a recently completed custom order, a 4.5ft 24/16 plait split spiral mini bullwhip, in black & pink kangaroo leather. I pop it in here to give people an idea of what’s possible for an overlay on a whip. THIS is done by plaiting the handle separately, at 24 plait, from the thong which is then plaited starting at 16 plait. One of the nice things about doing it this way is than you have a lot fewer strand drops on the thong, so you get a smoother profile. Too, it vastly simplifies strand tapering, at least insofar as you don’t need to taper the strands on the handle, since the diameter of the handle is the same from heel to transition. The boundary between the handle plaiting and the thong is covered by a decorative transition knot, which is placed on the last inch of the handle (and not out on the thong).


The above is a detail shot of the “front” of the handle. In this case I went with kind of a “Celtic” motif, but the possibilities are endless!


And this is the “back” side of the handle, showing how the design wraps around. Having a “front” and “back” side means you’ve got some versatility, particularly if you wanted to personalize the decorative plait with a name or other words.


Detail shot of the thong and tail, showing the difference in taper along the length of the thong. Nice and smoooooth!

This particular whip sold for a pretty penny, which includes the 24 plait, the fact that it’s a split thong (a bit of extra work), and the custom design itself (i.e., drafting it, and also emails back and forth to refine the design). If this piques your interest and you’d like to have a custom build along these lines, naturally drop me an email!



(SOLD!) 10ft 24 plait Bullwhip by Jim Hurlbutt!

10ft 24 Plait Bullwhip Jim Hurlbutt kangaroo leather

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(SOLD!) I am brokering, for your delectation, a number of whips on behalf of a client of mine, from his private collection. My client is what is known as a whip enthusiast, from the collector end of the spectrum, which means he acquires whips and curates them, but does not throw them, in order to impinge as little as possible on their original conformation. Four of these whips are from well-known makers, while a fifth is in that even more rare category: a large cowhide whip, the leather of which is in excellent condition! I’ll show you that one later; in the meantime, here is the first whip up for sale.

This is a 10ft 24 plait Bullwhip, in all red kangaroo leather, by Jim Hurlbutt, circa 2000 or so, and my client is the original owner. Mr. Hurlbutt of course was famous for his intricately plaited braidwork, and to this day is one of the more famous American whipmakers (granted I believe he also trained for a time in Australia).This whip has an 18” handle with no transition knot—very sleek!—and the heel knot is some kind of 10 bite interweave. There is no wrist loop, it has the original fall at 33”, with an 8 plait point.

0210ft 24 plait Bullwhip Jim Hurlbutt kangaroo leather

This is a detail shot of the heel knot, with a gorgeous dainty interweave.

03 10ft 24 plait Bullwhip Jim Hurlbutt kangaroo leather

The handle plaiting, with a variety of different plaits.

04 10ft 24 plait Bullwhip Jim Hurlbutt Kangaroo Leather

Detail of the plaiting on the handle at the transition.

05 10ft 24 plait Bullwhip Jim Hurlbutt kangaroo leather

This whip also sports an extra decorative plait out on the thong, shown here.

06 10ft 24 plait Bullwhip Jim Hurlbutt Kangaroo leather

Finally, a detail shot of the tail of the whip, showing the point with the fall knots and fall.

Feel free to send me an email if you’re interested in acquiring this whip for your collection, or if you have questions or comments.



3ft 12 plait BB Mini Bullwhip!

Bullwhip Leather Kangaroo Mojave Outliers Argyle Licorice BB

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Available now! The Argyle Whip! The first rendition of a new addition to my repertoire, the Argyle pattern originally hails from the Argyll region of western Scotland in the 1600’s, the tartan of the redoubtable (or perhaps a better word would be “infamous”) Campbell clan, in this case plaited in black, red & purple kangaroo leather. Next, I plait a BAG PIPE!! Hahahahaha! The rest of the specs for this beauty are a 5.25″ steel core handle, shot loaded core, 22″ black tapered latigo fall, a purple B55 Poly bowstring 8″x2″ cracker, and solid red kangaroo leather pineapple heel knot, with contrasting black bolster. This can be yours for $240 smackers plus shipping! Simply send me an email at the address above, and we’ll get you sorted!

Here are some more pics of this little dainty!

Bullwhip Leather Kangaroo Mojave Outliers BB Argyle Licorice Handle

Bullwhip Leather Kangaroo Mojave Outliers BB Argyle Licorice Plait

Again, feel free to send me an email if you’re interested, or have questions or comments!



Kangaroo Leather Bullwhips

Bullwhips Cover Page

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First, of course, the pricing chart and ordering instructions just to keep things easy to find. Note: if you would like spiral plaiting (16 plait or above) on your whip, talk to me first, but ordinarily add between $50 to $100 depending.

Bullwhips Pricing Chart
16 plait 20 plait 24 plait
6 feet $655 $745 $835
8 feet $755 $845 $935
10 feet $855 $945 $1035
12 feet $955 $1045 $1,135
Bullwhips w/Integrated Falls
16 plait 20 plait 24 plait
6 feet $665 $755 $845
8 feet $765 $855 $945
10 feet $865 $955 $1045
12 feet $965 $1055 $1,145

Once we have the details sorted out, I’ll give you a quote for how much your build will cost, but I won’t send you an invoice until I’m ready to start your build. I use PayPal for invoicing (no, you don’t need to have a PayPal account to use PayPal). If you want to make a purchase right now, then take a peek in the upper right side bar, where I have items that are ready to ship are featured, if any.

Above, of course, is a pricing chart for Bullwhips.  Length is for the whip itself, not counting the fall and cracker.  For instance, if you order an 8 foot whip, the finished whip will be longer than that once you add in the fall and cracker. Yes, I can build whips at lengths in between the ones listed in the chart above, just send me an email and I’ll give you a quote. Also, all my full size bullwhips are naturally weighted, but if you’d LIKE a shot load, I’m happy to do it for you, just let me know.

Bullwhips with integrated falls are measured including the fall, since the fall is built in. So for instance if you ordered an 8ft bullwhip with an integrated fall, then the length of the whip would actually BE 8ft, not counting the cracker. Technically this could also be considered a hybrid signal whip, but the tail assembly for full sized whips is longer than I build for the H sigs.

Are you looking for something a little smaller? I also make mini bullwhips! The page is right here!

12 ft 32/16 plait split spiral bullwhip JB

THIS is a 12 ft 32/16 plait split spiral bullwhip.

A 10ft 16 plait American bullwhip (shot loaded) in green and saddle tan kangaroo leather (shown with a pair of 3ft 12 plait BB mini snake whips).

A 10ft 16 plait American bullwhip (shot loaded) in green and saddle tan kangaroo leather (shown with a pair of 3ft 12 plait BB mini snake whips).

Closer up of the handle of the 10ft 16 plait American style bullwhip.

Closer up of the handle of the 10ft 16 plait American style bullwhip.

5ft 16 plait bullwhip Brandly Saddle Tan

A 5ft 16 plait bullwhip in brandy and saddle tan kangaroo leather. The pattern is single strand offset, with diamond plaiting on the handle so that a strand of brandy spirals around the handle.

Handle Detail

…detail of the handle on the 5ft 16 plait bullwhip in brandy and saddle tan….

Mojave Outliers Whipmakers 7ft 16 plait Bullwhip DC Red and Black kangaroo hide leather

7ft 16 plait bullwhip, 8″ handle, in black and red kangaroo leather. For larger whips like this, I find the poly cracker works very well.

Mojave Outliers Whipmakers 7ft 16 plait Bullwhip DC Red and Black Kangaroo leather hide handle detail

Detail of the handle of the 7ft black and red bullwhip above…nice guitar, eh? ;)

Bullwhip 8ft 24 plait black roan red

This one is an 8′ 24 plait bullwhip, with 4 plaited bellies!

Bullwhip 8ft 24 plait black roan red HD2

Detail of the handle of the black roan and red bullwhip

An 8ft 24 plait bullwhip in black and forest green kangaroo leather.  As you can see, the green leather darkens to all but black with leather conditioner, so it's hard to see the difference except in just the right light.

An 8ft 24 plait bullwhip in black and forest green kangaroo leather. As you can see, the green leather darkens to all but black with leather conditioner, so it’s hard to see the difference except in just the right light.

A close in shot of the bullwhip above.

A close in shot of the bullwhip above.

Detail of the handle of the 8ft bullwhip above.  This is 24 plait in black and forest green.

Detail of the handle of the 8ft bullwhip above. This is 24 plait in black and forest green.

Kangaroo Leather Target Hybrid Signal Whips

Hybrid Signal Whips Cover

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What is a hybrid signal whip? It is, simply put, a whip with the cracker attached directly to the thong as usual (no fall), but which has a rigid handle. Other names for this are “target hybrid” or “target signal,” because of course the rigid handle makes the whip a little easier to manage in terms of accuracy. All hybrid signal whips have a shot-loaded core standard. All my signal whips have my Dyneema tail assembly with a tiny plaited loop on the end which allows the cracker to be replaced without having to replait the tail of the whip, unless otherwise requested.

Handle length for the 3.5ft whips is 6″. You can choose the length of handle up to 8″ for 4ft and above. See the chart below for more details.

For spiral plaiting, talk to me FIRST, but figure on adding between $50 to $100 to the price of the whip.

Yes, I’m happy to do a whip in half foot increments (i.e., 3.5ft), just ask! I don’t normally build hybrid signal whips shorter than 3.5ft because there’s not enough room for the handle, it takes up too much of the thong. If you want a 3ft whip, just go ahead and get a regular signal whip.

Hybrid Signal Whips
16 plait 20 plait 24 plait
3.5 feet $400 $450 $500
4 feet $420 $470 $520
5 feet $440 $490 $540
A pair of 5ft 16 plait hybrid signal whips, and the handles are spiral plaited.

A pair of 5ft 16 plait hybrid signal whips, and the handles are spiral plaited.


This, actually, is a 7ft 16 plait hybrid signal whip, but at this length, it is the same as a bullwhip with an integrated fall.

This, actually, is a 7ft 16 plait hybrid signal whip, but at this length, it is the same as a bullwhip with an integrated fall. The photo is courtesy of my client.

Another pic of the pair of 7ft 16 plait H sigs, aka bullwhips with integrated falls.

Another pic of the pair of 7ft 16 plait H sigs, aka bullwhips with integrated falls. Again, photo courtesy of my client.

4ft 16 plait BW Hybrid Signal Whips Handle Detail Mojave Outliers

A pair of 4ft 16 plait hybrid signals in black and white…

Mojave Outliers Whipmakers 4ft 16 plait hyb sig b and w JH2

The second of the pair of 4ft 16 plait hybrid signals pictured above…

Purple Kangaroo Leather Hybrid Signal Whip

A lovely 4ft 16 plait hybrid signal whip in purple kangaroo leather, short herringbone on the handle…

Mojave Outliers 4ft Black Red Target Hybrid Signal 150

This is a 4 foot 16 plait hybrid signal whip done in red and black kangaroo hide with an alternating chevron pattern, shot loaded core, and replaceable cracker. The handle has a 6 inch steel core.

Mojave Outliers 4ft 12 plait Black Red Target Hybrid Signal Whip 150

This is a 4 foot, 12 plait Hybrid Target Signal whip in red and black kangaroo leather. Bird’s Eye plaiting on the handle and regular herringbone plait on the thong. The replaceable cracker in THIS rendition is red nylon.

4ft 16 plait W&B Hybrid Signal

Recently completed, this is a 4 ft, 16 plait hybrid target signal whip in whiskey and black kangaroo leather. The Bird’s eye pattern on the handle is modified to account for the extra strands, and is then stabilized with short herringbone at the heel. Nice, eh? This is also an example of a more rounded heel knot, per request by the client who ordered this whip.

JD Hybrid Target Signal Whip

THIS little beauty is a 24 strand spiral plait in brandy and whiskey kangaroo leather, at 4 ft long, with a 6″steel core handle.

Mojave Outliers Whipmakers 18 plait 4ft Hybrid Target Signal Whip

This one is a little unusual in that it is an 18 plait, rather than the more usual 16 or 24 plait. The plaiting method is spiral, with an accent on the thong. The whip is 4ft long with a 6″ steel core handle, thong is shot loaded.

4ft 24 plait Hybrid Signal DH 2

4ft 24 plait hybrid signal whip, spiral plaited in navy blue and natural kangaroo hide.

5ft 24 plait Black and Natural Hybrid Signal

This is a 5ft 24 plait hybrid signal aka “Frankenconda” (or “Frickenconda” as it sometimes was), weighing in at over a pound, with heel diameter of 25.97mm, which includes an extra plaited belly. Don’t drop it on your toe! Too, THIS one has a 15″ twisted Dyneema cracker on it. Yes, we QA’d the whip, and anyone who thinks signal whips are no good for cracking, come see me.

Mojave Outliers Whipmakers 5 ft 24 plait Navy Blue and Natural Hybrid Signal Whip DH

5ft 24 plait hybrid signal in alternating chevrons. Lookit how straight that plaiting is! LOOKIT!! lol!

Mojave Outliers Whipmakers 4 ft 16 plait Bruins Hybrid Signal Whip KM

4ft 16 plait hybrid signal whip a la the Boston Bruins!

Mojave Outliers Whipmakers 4ft 16 plait Bruins Hybrid Signal Whip heel detail KM

Detail of the heel knot of the Bruins whip…my client provided me with the pin