Introducing the “Mojave Lite” range of whips! Much like the Budget mini pocket snake whips (which are 3ft long), this is a scaled down version of my regular build, geared toward giving people’s pocket books a break, only in this case in a 4ft mini bullwhip! In this specific case, this is a 4ft 12 plait mini bullwhip in all black kangaroo leather, 8″ steel core handle, shot loaded core, 24″ tapered latigo fall, and nylon cracker. Handle diameter at the heel is right around 20-21 mm, so it’s comparable to the Budget snakes in that regard, but, obviously, with a beefed up thong to account for the longer length of the whip. Roll out is smooth, with a lovely crack! This can be yours now for $265 plus shipping! Just send me an email at the email address above!
Naturally if you have questions, feel free to ask!