Copy and paste version:
For those of you who have purchased a Budget Boudoir mini pocket snake whip (or any of my whips, really) and find that you’ve outgrown it, you can return it to me for a credit against a new whip purchase. Trade in value will of course depend on the age and condition of the whip, and for a Budget Boudoir whip I expect the trade in value will range between $25 to $100 towards a new whip (no cash, sorry, I don’t have any of that stuff!). Others of my whips will be evaluated on an individual basis.
IF you have a whip made by someone ELSE you would like me to consider for a trade in towards the value of a new whip from me, feel free to ask me about it. And yes, I do like the odd bit of weird vintage stuff, so don’t be shy!
Typically what I like is for you to send me pictures of your whip to start with; if it looks like it might be workable then at that point I’ll have you ship it to me for a final appraisal. When you take pics, give me a shot of the whole whip, loosely arranged with no hidden bits (as best you can manage), as well as detail shots of the handle and heel knot, thong, tail, fall (if applicable) and cracker areas of the whip.
Whether or not I accept a whip for trade in will depend solely on my appraisal of the whip in person. If I decide, once I examine the whip in person, that the whip is not suitable as a trade in, I’ll let you know and ship it back to you on my nickel. If I do find it workable, then the figure I offer is final (no dickering!). If you decide you would prefer to keep your whip after I’ve given you a trade in figure, that’s of course no problem; again, I’ll ship it back to you.
If and as traded in whips become available, assuming I don’t keep it for myself, and AFTER I’ve made any repairs and reconditioned them, I will offer it for sale on the Ready Now Gallery (see left side menu), so keep an eye peeled if you’re looking for a nice whip on a budget!